TurnKey Lender


img_TurnKey-Lender_blog_Unified Lending Management at the Turn-of a-Key

Your Own Lending Management System at the Turn of a Key

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Embedded lending revolution – preparing your business to finance clients in-house  

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ATMs Are Poised to Become a Compelling New Frontier for Digital Lending

img_turnkley-lender_Why some lenders are still stuck using spreadsheets for almost everything-1920-4

Why Some Lenders Are Still Stuck Using Spreadsheets for Almost Everything

img_turnkley-lender_APIs, KPIs, and the Future of Embedded Finance -1920-2

APIs, KPIs, and the Future of Embedded Finance


How to Choose the Right Lending Automation Software for Your Business

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Five Myths Keeping Banks From Winning in a Transformed Financial-Service Landscape 

img_turnkley-lender_A look under the hood at TurnKey Lender’s game-changing artificial intelligence -1920-2

Digital Lending ROI: Positive Return on Technology Investment

img_Turnkey-Lender_Embedded finance: Increase your ROI and customer loyalty -1920-2

Embedded Finance: Increase Your ROI and Customer Loyalty 


Lender’s Cyber Safety in a World of Cyber Criminals

img_Turnkey-Lender_Making the World a Better Place with Fair Lending Technology -1920-1

Making the World a Better Place with Fair Lending Technology  

img_Turnkey-Lender_Decoding the Impact of Embedded Payments on the Financial Landscape - 1920

Lending Technology in an Era of State-Backed Cyber-Threats 


Here's How TurnKey Lender Helps You Save Operational Costs and Time (and Here's How Much of Both)

Peer to peer lending

Digital Lending Automation 101: The Last Explainer You’ll Ever Need 

img_TurnKey-Lender_blog_Unified Lending Management at the Turn-of a-Key

Your Own Lending Management System at the Turn of a Key

img_Turnkey-Lender_How TurnKey Lender turns banks into BNPL providers -1920-4

How TurnKey Lender Turns Banks Into Buy Now Pay Later Providers 

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Loan Servicing Software: Digital LOS Enhances In-House Financing, Makes for Better Customer Service and Improved Outcomes 

img_Turnkey-Lender_Fully configurable fintech comes of age in 2022-1920-4

Fully Configurable FinTech Comes of Age in 2022

img_Turnkey-Lender_Fintech swarms will speed innovation, customer service for businesses of all types and sizes-1920-3

FinTech Swarms Will Speed Innovation, Customer Service for Businesses of All Types and Sizes 

img_Turnkey-Lender_“Banking as a service” paves the way for dynamic and profitable point-of-sale lending-1920-5

“Banking as a Service” Paves the Way for Dynamic and Profitable Point-of-Sale Lending

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2021 at TurnKey Lender – Empowering Lenders Around the World to Transform the Lending Experience

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Simple Retail Financing with End-to-End Loan Origination and Management
img_Turnkey-Lender_Capital equipment financing for SMEs in a post-Covid marketplace-1920
Consumer Financing as the Ultimate Competitive Advantage for SMEs in 2021
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Five Key Business Models Available for POS Financing
img_Turnkey-Lender_What Non-Bank Lenders Need to Think About in a Covid (and a Post-Covid) World-1920
What Non-Bank Lenders Need to Think About in a Covid (and a Post-Covid) World
5 Solid Reasons Retailers Should Consider Point-of-Sale Financing
Forbes Council: Options For Retailers Considering Point-of-Sale Financing To Win and Keep Customers
How to Start Offering Consumer Financing Online
Elena Ionenko's Interview on the Evolving State of Lending in the Era of AI
P2P Lending Is Set To Take Off. Here Are The Reasons Why
Forbes Council Post: Alternative Credit Scoring For Retail Lenders During Economic Crises
TurnKey Lender and REPAY: Instant Disbursement and Repayment Capabilities - Step-by-Step Demo
How TurnKey Lender Helps Economic Development Corporations
TurnKey Lender's H&R Block Engagement Shows Lending Tech's Resilience
How TurnKey Lender Is Posed To Help Creditors During and After the 2020 Crisis
img_Turnkey-Lender_News_Fintech Can’t Stop the Coronavirus, But It Can Help Contain It - Here's How.
Fintech Can’t Stop the Coronavirus, But It Can Help Contain It - Here's How.
img_Turnkey-lender_blog_Embedded Lending and the Irresistible Logic of Next-Gen FinTech
Embedded Lending and the Irresistible Logic of Next-Gen FinTech
img_Turnkey-Lender_blog_Collection Scoring in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Collection Scoring in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
img_Turnkey-Lender_blog_Artificial Intelligence Means Better Customer Retention for Lenders
Artificial Intelligence Means Better Customer Retention for Lenders
How Machine Learning is Used in the Lending Industry
img_Turnkey-Lendimg_turnkey-lender_er_blog_Manufacturers and Retailers Can Take Cimg_turnkey-lender_ontrol of Fees in Their POS-Financing Programs
Manufacturers and Retailers Can Take Control of Fees in Their POS-Financing Programs
img_Turnkey-Lender_blog_Retailers Face Choices When It Comes to Point of Sale Lending
Retailers Face Choices When It Comes to Point of Sale Lending
img_TurnKey-Lender_blog_Retail Financing: Save Time and Money with AI-Powered Point-of-Sale Lending
Retail Financing: Save Time and Money with AI-Powered Point-of-Sale Lending
img_TurnKey-Lender_blog_The-Challenges-of-Running an-Online-Lending-Business
The Challenges of Running an Online Lending Business
img_Turnkey-Lender_blog_Does your practice need an in-house financing program
Does your practice need an in-house financing program?
1 2 3 4
img_Turnkey-Lender_Nonprofit lenders want — and may need — to demonstrate their impacts on the communities they support-1920-4

Non-Profit Lenders Want — and May Need — to Demonstrate Their Impacts on the Communities They Support 

img_Turnkey-Lender_Smart lending tied to advanced AI and hyper-intelligent simulation-1920-2

Smart Lending Tied to Advanced AI and Hyper-Intelligent Simulation

img_Turnkey-Lender_Community development organizations look to TurnKey Lender-1920-4

Why Innovative CDFIs Choose TurnKey Lender for End-to-End Lending Automation (With 4 Real-Life Business Use Cases)

img_Turnkey-Lender_The confluence of Covid, seasonality, and technology boost franchise lending-1920-1

How the Confluence of Covid, Seasonality, and Technology Boost Franchise Financing

img_Turnkey-Lender_Lending Technology Is Smashing Through Stricter Know-Your-Customer Rules-1920-2

Lending Technology Is Smashing Through Stricter Know-Your-Customer Rules

img_Turnkey-Lender_Why everybody is talking about lending tech these days-1920-4 Copy

Why Everybody is Talking About Lending Technology These Days 

img_Turnkey-Lender_Factoring, Invoice Finance, and Other Debt Financing Options as a Business Opportunity-1920

Factoring, Invoice Finance, and Other Debt Financing Options as a Business Opportunity


Elena Ionenko Interview for Pymnts: Banks Brace For New Competitive Forces In Commercial Lending


In-depth Guide to Digital Lending Cybersecurity in 2021

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How to Make your Bank a Digital Winner in a Post-Covid Economy

img_Turnkey-Lender_Capital-equipment financiers Boost the value of your best clients with dynamic leasing-1920

Capital-Equipment Financiers: Boost The Value Of Your Best Clients With Dynamic Leasing

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TurnKey Lender’s Digital Lending In 2020, A Year In Review

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Introduction to Factoring & Invoice Financing for Your Digital Lending Operation

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Optimizing Loan and Lending Performance in 2021

img_Turnkey-Lender_What You Need to Know About AML and KYC As a Lender-1920

What You Need to Know About AML and KYC As a Digital Lender in 2021


Lender’s Cyber Safety in a World of Cyber Criminals

Steps of the Lending Process You Can and Should Automate

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Measuring the Success of Your Digital Banking Automation Platform

img_Turnkey-Lender_10 vital KPIs for measuring the value of your digital-banking operations-1920

10 Vital KPIs for Measuring the Value of Your Digital-Banking Operations


Digital Banking Transformation Under the Shadow of a Pandemic


Why Digital Banking Is Not Only Surviving But Thriving in 2020


Direct Lending: Manage the Risks, Reap the Rewards


Loan Origination and Loan Management Made Easier and More Lucrative with AI


How to Streamline and Digitize Branch Management in your Lending Operation


10 Ways to Tell Which Loan Servicing Technology Provider is Best for your Business


How to Manage (reevaluate, edit, and delete) Collateral Assets in TurnKey Lender


How to Create a Lender’s Regulatory Compliance Blueprint


TurnKey Lender Helps Community Banks Modify Loan Terms in the Name of Economic Recovery


We Surveyed 40+ Decision Makers in the Credit Industry on the Digitalization of the Lending Industry. Here is What They Think.


TurnKey Lender Answers Digital Lending Questions for Community Banks


Intelligent Paycheck Protection Program Automation for Lenders

img_Turnkey-Lender_Lending Tech Primed to Help Traditional Players Make Emergency SBA Loans 

Lending Tech Primed to Help Traditional Players Make Emergency SBA Loans 

img_Turnkey-Lender_How to Add an API Client and Key to Integrate TurnKey Lender with Third-Party Solutions and Services

How to Add an API Client and Key to Integrate TurnKey Lender with Third-Party Solutions and Services

img_Turnkey-Lender_How to Launch a New Credit Product with TurnKey Lender

How to Launch a New Credit Product with TurnKey Lender


9 Things SMEs Look for in a Digital Lender

DV interview blog article november 2023

How traditional finance providers can capitalize on the embedded lending revolution


Why Auto Dealers Should Consider Digitizing Their In-House Lending Programs

10 questions to ask your LOS vendor - large

10-point checklist for choosing your new loan origination software  in 2024


7 Artificial Intelligence Applications in Digital Lending


10 Vital KPIs for Measuring the Value of Your Digital-Banking Operations in 2024

img_Turnkey-Lender_News_Launching a B2B lending business is 3 to 5 times easier with TurnKey Commercial

7 Artificial Intelligence Applications in Digital Lending


A Loan Management System Without Origination and Underwriting Doesn’t Cut It 

img_Turnkey-lender_TurnKey Lender platform enters the UK and Ireland to introduce new lending automation standards

What TurnKey Lender platform has in store for the UK and Ireland 


How to Start Offering Consumer Financing Online in 2024


What You Need to Know About In-House Customer Financing & 4 Business Types That Will Benefit From It in 2023

img_turnkley-lender_Fintech pacesetter TurnKey Lender out to make smaller banks more competitive -1920-1

Fintech pacesetter TurnKey Lender out to make smaller banks more competitive

img_turnkley-lender_A look under the hood at TurnKey Lender’s game-changing artificial intelligence -1920-2

A Look Under the Hood at TurnKey Lender’s Game-Changing Artificial Intelligence 

img_turnkley-lender_How to automate 90%+ of your consumer lending process -1920

How to Launch and Grow a Peer-to-Peer Lending Business – 6 Critical Components

img_Turnkey-Lender_How retailers can provide customer financing and boost ROI -1920-4

How retailers can provide customer financing and boost ROI 

merchant financing

Merchant Cash Advances: Helping The eCommerce Industry Grow in 2024

img_Turnkey-Lender_How Embedded Lending Tech Is Changing Everything so Fast -1920-1

How Embedded Lending Tech Is Changing Everything so Fast 

img_Turnkey-Lender_Healthcare trends for 2022 include intuitive “buy now, pay later” financing for patients -1920-3

Healthcare Trends for 2022 Include Intuitive “Buy Now, Pay Later” Financing for Patients 


The Challenges of Running an Online Lending Business

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Five Key Business Models Available for POS Financing

img_Turnkey-Lender_Covid’s 2022 Staying Power Underlines Franchisees Need for In-House Financing-1920-3

Covid’s 2022 Staying Power Underlines Franchisees Need for In-House Financing

img_Turnkey-Lender_Smart, efficient in-house financing is an all-weather solution for OEMs, no matter what the economy does-1920-5

Smart, Efficient In-House Financing Is an All-Weather Solution for OEMs, No Matter What the Economy Does


10 Easy Steps to Have a Completely Digital Loan Origination with Streamlined Customer Experience

img_Turnkey-Lender_Case-Studies_Private bank fully digitizes residential and commercial lending processes

How to process loan applications automatically and approve more of the right loans faster


Credit Scoring in the New Economic Reality - How AI Helps Make Better Decisions Much Faster

img_Turnkey-Lender_The power of automating and digitalizing your credit-risk management-1920-2

The Power of Automating and Digitalizing Your Credit-Risk Management

img_Turnkey-Lender_Ten blockbuster reasons you need an automated solution for commercial underwriting-1920-4

Ten Blockbuster Reasons You Need an Automated Solution for Commercial Underwriting

img_Turnkey-Lender_How AI equips lenders to avoid Covid-era pitfalls-1920

Forbes Council: How AI equips lenders to avoid Covid-era pitfalls

img_Turnkey-Lender_News_TurnKey Lender Becomes a Member of the Canadian Lenders Association

Alternative Credit Scoring for Non-Traditional Lenders in Canada


Open Banking As The Permanent Disruptor of Lending


Seven Ways to Tell if an LOS Provider is Right for You


Forbes Council: How To Approach Business Creditworthiness Assessment During A Crisis-Fueled Recession


Credit Scoring in the New Economic Reality - How AI Helps Make Better Decisions Much Faster


How to Make Decisions on Loan Applications with TurnKey Lender


Fully Automatic Loan Application: How to Apply for a Loan witn TurnKey Lender


Boost Credit Decisioning Accuracy with Bank Statement Scoring

img_Turnkey-Lender_How to customize Loan Decisioning Rules in Turnkey Lender

How to Customize Loan Decisioning Rules in TurnKey Lender

img_Turnkey-Lender_blog_Can You Safely Disburse a Loan in Less than Two Minutes? Yes — Here's How.

Can You Safely Disburse a Loan in Less than Two Minutes? Yes — Here's How.

img_Turnkey-Lender_blog_Lending Approval Process: Keeping Pace with Next Gen Borrowers, Part Two

Lending Approval Process: Keeping Pace with Next Gen Borrowers, Part Two


Lending Approval Process: Keeping Pace with Next Gen Borrowers, Part One

img_Turnkey-Lender_blog_How to Face the Loan Decisioning Challenges of Today With Automation Solutions

How to Face the Loan Decisioning Challenges of Today With Automation Solutions

img_Turnkey-Lender_blog_How to Process Loan Applications and Approve More Loans Faster

How to Process Loan Applications and Approve More Loans Faster

img_Turnkey-Lender_blog_Borrower Identification in Lending - All the Things You Should Pay Attention to

Borrower Identification in Lending - All the Things You Should Pay Attention to


Navigating the Nuances of Risk Decisioning in Lending


The Evolution of Business-to-Business Lending: A TurnKey Lender Perspective


Optimizing Loan Management: The Workflow Automation Revolution


Navigating the World of Retail Finance Services: Trends, Insights, and Innovations


BNPL Services: The Rising Star in Consumer Finance

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Lease Management Software: Revolutionizing Property Management with TurnKey Lender


Auto Factoring: Steering the Future of Automotive Financing with TurnKey Lender


The Dynamic Landscape of Commercial Loan Servicing 


Deciphering the Surge of Leasing Software in Today's Financial Landscape 


The Evolution of the Credit Scoring System in Modern Lending 


Demystifying Embedded Capital in the Modern Financial Landscape 


Navigating the Complex World of Syndicated Loans 


Unlocking the Future with Modern Finance Solutions 


The Evolving Landscape of Finance Software 


Debt Collection Software: The Future of Efficient Financial Management 


Bridging the Financial Gap: An In-depth Look at Bridge Lending Solutions 


Asset Liability Management: The Bedrock of Sound Financial Foundations 


Unlocking the Potential of Loan Service Software in Modern Lending 


Unleashing the Power of Risk Management Software in Lending and Borrowing 


Embedded Finance vs Banking as a Service: Charting the Future of FinTech 


Mastering AML Programs: A Must-Have for Modern Financial Institutions 


Annuity Explained | Lending Boost Academy


What is Loan Amortization?


Flexible loan application flow

Automated payments and loan servicing

Efficient strategies for all collection phases

AI-based consumer and commercial credit scoring

Use third-party data and tools you love.

Consumer lending automation done right

Build a B2B lending process that works for you

Offer payment options to clients in-house

Lending automation software banks can rely on


Thank you! Get in touch with any questions at [email protected]