TurnKey Lender

Women in FinTech Friday Feature – Yvette Salas

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Unstoppable Women of FinTech- Olena Tkachova

img_Turnkey-Lender_women in fintech-Emily Man-1920

Unstoppable Women of FinTech- Emily Man

Meet Yvette Salas, Relationship Manager at Camino Financial. We had the pleasure of connecting with Camino Financial through LendIt FinTech USA 2021. Read more on Yvette’s day to day and how she became a leading lady in the FinTech realm.


Q: How did you end up as a leader in the FinTech Industry?

A: I ended up as a leader in Fintech because I work with a team of great people at Camino Financial who are all leading the efforts in order so that affordable alternative business loans are more accessible and inclusive!

I’ve been fortunate to be part of the founding team at Camino and I’ve been granted a ton of autonomy on the job because my team trusts that I have our members’ best interest always front and center in what I do!

Fintech is a fast growing industry. If you want to stay in a position of leadership and relevancy you’ll have to fall in love with your end-user and stay focused on the problem your technologies are solving for. It’s only when you truly care in solving your end users’ problems can you gain the know-how required to build great products that earn you wins and recognition as a leader in your industry!


Q: What is an accomplishment that you are proud of?

A: My proudest accomplishment at Camino Financial has been serving our Members! I will never stop beating at the craft of learning how to understand their needs and wants whether spoken or not. Once a prospect becomes a borrower of Camino Financial they become a Member! I’ve had the pleasure of assisting our very first member in accessing capital and my current role in serving our members is being a member champion.

I’ve been fortunate in leading the efforts in growing our renewal sales which I like to refer to as our profit center! I’ve helped build our members’ success team, and launched our onboarding program. We onboard every member, welcoming them to our familia.

At Camino our Members are at the Center of Everything We do; We’re not just a lender, we want to see our members better off every time they borrow from us! My biggest accomplishment by far at Camino is the EMPATHY that continues to grow in me for our members!


Q: What are you most excited about with new advances in technology today?

A: The new advances in technology have allowed companies like Camino Financial, an online non-bank lender, an opportunity to fill the financial lending gaps that exist in the market. New technologies like data sharing, machine learning and artificial intelligence have digitized how we gather the necessary data to make credit decisions when lending to our borrowers. As an online lender we leverage these technologies to lend to riskier small business borrowers that are currently underserved by traditional lenders and otherwise would be taking unaffordable loans in order to keep their businesses’ afloat. Technology has made access to capital more accessible, inclusive, has improved the user experience, lowered the cost of capital by digitaliing loan processes, and making paperless transactions possible! We are very forward-thinking on how technology will continue to advance allowing us the opportunity to get smarter about our members and expand our reach!


Q: As a female leader, how do you start your day? What are your tips for productivity in the midst of a busy schedule?

A: I wake up in prayer and gratitude for having the opportunity to live a blessed life and having family and friends! I squeeze in a work-out and like to make sure my house is always nice and tidy before I start my day!

My best tip for productivity is EAT THE FROG! It’s a phrase I heard that has stuck to me; basically it means do not put off your hardest most important tasks to the end of your day but rather make it the priority and get it done! Once you eat the Frog the remainder of your day will get easier and you’ll feel less stressed out and more accomplished!


Q: What are some of your favorite ways to spend your time when you aren’t working? Any tips for relaxation and destressing?

A: I enjoy spending time with my loved ones and friends! For relaxation I love to learn more about how I can up-my-game at work! This may feel like work for most but I truly love what I do so I really enjoy learning how I can do my work better! I also enjoy indulging in spiritual wisdom while taking long walks on the beach and or on hikes surrounded by nature!



Meet Yvette Salas, Relationship Manager at Camino Financial. We had the pleasure of connecting with Camino Financial through LendIt FinTech USA 2021. Read more on Yvette’s day to day and how she became a leading lady in the FinTech realm.


Q: How did you end up as a leader in the FinTech Industry?

A: I ended up as a leader in Fintech because I work with a team of great people at Camino Financial who are all leading the efforts in order so that affordable alternative business loans are more accessible and inclusive!

I’ve been fortunate to be part of the founding team at Camino and I’ve been granted a ton of autonomy on the job because my team trusts that I have our members’ best interest always front and center in what I do!

Fintech is a fast growing industry. If you want to stay in a position of leadership and relevancy you’ll have to fall in love with your end-user and stay focused on the problem your technologies are solving for. It’s only when you truly care in solving your end users’ problems can you gain the know-how required to build great products that earn you wins and recognition as a leader in your industry!


Q: What is an accomplishment that you are proud of?

A: My proudest accomplishment at Camino Financial has been serving our Members! I will never stop beating at the craft of learning how to understand their needs and wants whether spoken or not. Once a prospect becomes a borrower of Camino Financial they become a Member! I’ve had the pleasure of assisting our very first member in accessing capital and my current role in serving our members is being a member champion.

I’ve been fortunate in leading the efforts in growing our renewal sales which I like to refer to as our profit center! I’ve helped build our members’ success team, and launched our onboarding program. We onboard every member, welcoming them to our familia.

At Camino our Members are at the Center of Everything We do; We’re not just a lender, we want to see our members better off every time they borrow from us! My biggest accomplishment by far at Camino is the EMPATHY that continues to grow in me for our members!


Q: What are you most excited about with new advances in technology today?

A: The new advances in technology have allowed companies like Camino Financial, an online non-bank lender, an opportunity to fill the financial lending gaps that exist in the market. New technologies like data sharing, machine learning and artificial intelligence have digitized how we gather the necessary data to make credit decisions when lending to our borrowers. As an online lender we leverage these technologies to lend to riskier small business borrowers that are currently underserved by traditional lenders and otherwise would be taking unaffordable loans in order to keep their businesses’ afloat. Technology has made access to capital more accessible, inclusive, has improved the user experience, lowered the cost of capital by digitaliing loan processes, and making paperless transactions possible! We are very forward-thinking on how technology will continue to advance allowing us the opportunity to get smarter about our members and expand our reach!


Q: As a female leader, how do you start your day? What are your tips for productivity in the midst of a busy schedule?

A: I wake up in prayer and gratitude for having the opportunity to live a blessed life and having family and friends! I squeeze in a work-out and like to make sure my house is always nice and tidy before I start my day!

My best tip for productivity is EAT THE FROG! It’s a phrase I heard that has stuck to me; basically it means do not put off your hardest most important tasks to the end of your day but rather make it the priority and get it done! Once you eat the Frog the remainder of your day will get easier and you’ll feel less stressed out and more accomplished!


Q: What are some of your favorite ways to spend your time when you aren’t working? Any tips for relaxation and destressing?

A: I enjoy spending time with my loved ones and friends! For relaxation I love to learn more about how I can up-my-game at work! This may feel like work for most but I truly love what I do so I really enjoy learning how I can do my work better! I also enjoy indulging in spiritual wisdom while taking long walks on the beach and or on hikes surrounded by nature!





Unstoppable Women of FinTech- Olena Tkachova

img_Turnkey-Lender_women in fintech-Emily Man-1920

Unstoppable Women of FinTech- Emily Man


Flexible loan application flow

Automated payments and loan servicing

Efficient strategies for all collection phases

AI-based consumer and commercial credit scoring

Use third-party data and tools you love.

Consumer lending automation done right

Build a B2B lending process that works for you

Offer payment options to clients in-house

Lending automation software banks can rely on


Thank you! Get in touch with any questions at [email protected]