TurnKey Lender

Women in FinTech Friday Feature – Sheryll Viguilla

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Unstoppable Women of FinTech- Olena Tkachova

img_Turnkey-Lender_women in fintech-Emily Man-1920

Unstoppable Women of FinTech- Emily Man

Meet Sheryll Viguilla, Sales and Business Development Manager at GROVER. Read more below on Sheryll’s day to day and how she became a leading lady in the FinTech realm.


Q: How did you end up as a leader in the Marketing and Technology Industry?

A:  6 years ago, I managed to get into one of the largest telecommunications companies in the Philippines where I worked as a Merchant Acquisition Officer for their newly launched E-commerce Platform. It was not an easy path because people are so resistant to change but working with them, I started to develop interest to technology.

Since then, I never left the technology space. I worked for a digital bank and now working as a Sales Manager for different software solutions for banks, insurances and fintech companies.


Q: What is an accomplishment that you are proud of?

A: In general, one of the accomplishments that I am proud of is the idea of bringing in solutions to help provide better customers experience to Filipinos.

To be more specific, introducing mobile check deposit and other digital solutions to few banks which were extremely helpful during the pandemic when people are not allowed to go out to do banking.


Q: What are you most excited about with new advances in technology today?

A: Technology has been a huge part of our day to day lives but what excites me the most about it is its capability to connect people. Nobody knew that Covid19 would massively affect the whole world and technology has been our main platform to voice out our opinions, help each other and be aware of what’s happening around us.


Q: As a female leader, how do you start your day? What are your tips for productivity in the midst of a busy schedule?

A: I was always fascinated with the idea of working from home until I was forced to stay at home because of this pandemic. Working has become more challenging and being productive has become a choice.

I always start my day with a quick workout as it helps clear my mind. Also to be more systematic and to become more productive, I came up with an excel sheet where I input all the things I want to accomplish for the day. My tip? Begin with the end in mind. 😊


Q: Is there one piece of technology you cannot live without?

A: It is probably my cellphone. I know it is just a small piece of device, but it has almost everything I could think of; from working to leisure down to ordering my favorite cookie, I use my cellphone to do those stuff.


Meet Sheryll Viguilla, Sales and Business Development Manager at GROVER. Read more below on Sheryll’s day to day and how she became a leading lady in the FinTech realm.


Q: How did you end up as a leader in the Marketing and Technology Industry?

A:  6 years ago, I managed to get into one of the largest telecommunications companies in the Philippines where I worked as a Merchant Acquisition Officer for their newly launched E-commerce Platform. It was not an easy path because people are so resistant to change but working with them, I started to develop interest to technology.

Since then, I never left the technology space. I worked for a digital bank and now working as a Sales Manager for different software solutions for banks, insurances and fintech companies.


Q: What is an accomplishment that you are proud of?

A: In general, one of the accomplishments that I am proud of is the idea of bringing in solutions to help provide better customers experience to Filipinos.

To be more specific, introducing mobile check deposit and other digital solutions to few banks which were extremely helpful during the pandemic when people are not allowed to go out to do banking.


Q: What are you most excited about with new advances in technology today?

A: Technology has been a huge part of our day to day lives but what excites me the most about it is its capability to connect people. Nobody knew that Covid19 would massively affect the whole world and technology has been our main platform to voice out our opinions, help each other and be aware of what’s happening around us.


Q: As a female leader, how do you start your day? What are your tips for productivity in the midst of a busy schedule?

A: I was always fascinated with the idea of working from home until I was forced to stay at home because of this pandemic. Working has become more challenging and being productive has become a choice.

I always start my day with a quick workout as it helps clear my mind. Also to be more systematic and to become more productive, I came up with an excel sheet where I input all the things I want to accomplish for the day. My tip? Begin with the end in mind. 😊


Q: Is there one piece of technology you cannot live without?

A: It is probably my cellphone. I know it is just a small piece of device, but it has almost everything I could think of; from working to leisure down to ordering my favorite cookie, I use my cellphone to do those stuff.




Unstoppable Women of FinTech- Olena Tkachova

img_Turnkey-Lender_women in fintech-Emily Man-1920

Unstoppable Women of FinTech- Emily Man


Flexible loan application flow

Automated payments and loan servicing

Efficient strategies for all collection phases

AI-based consumer and commercial credit scoring

Use third-party data and tools you love.

Consumer lending automation done right

Build a B2B lending process that works for you

Offer payment options to clients in-house

Lending automation software banks can rely on


Thank you! Get in touch with any questions at [email protected]