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Women in FinTech Friday Feature – Olga Adler
Meet Olga Adler, Founder at Austin Business Woman. We had the pleasure of hearing from Olga, recently, on LinkedIn Live, where she shared her mission in promoting women owned and founded businesses, here, in Austin, Texas. Read more below on how Olga became a leading lady and inspiration to women owned, operated, and founded organizations like TurnKey Lender.
Q: How did you become a leader in the Austin business community?
A: Leadership in itself has never been the end goal for me and I think it is the same for many entrepreneurs. You just focus on what you do best, find a market niche for your efforts and try to find out if people need what you have offer. It does not matter what industry you are in, whether it is tech, finance, marketing or something else. If you are committed to your mission, aren’t afraid of becoming the face of your business and take full responsibility for every step of your way, then you become a leader.
Q: What are you most excited about with new advances in technology today?
A: The fact that you can shop, work, learn, connect with people and explore the world from anywhere anytime. Many people think that technology is preventing us from interacting face-to-face causing more isolation. I disagree, in my opinion, technology is bringing people together and it’s giving so many opportunities to businesses. This year, the pandemic demonstrated that technology is in many ways the core of economic resilience and adaptability.
Q: What are your tips for productivity in the midst of a busy schedule?
A: It might sound counter-intuitive but I recommend that people do not rely too much on their plan. The more we plan the less flexible we are when things don’t go as expected. When you start a project, especially involving a lot of people and activities, remember that the success does not lie in everything going exactly as planned (not that it wouldn’t be great) but in being able to quickly respond to unexpected scenarios and last-minute changes and to keep your mind open for new opportunities.
Q: Is there a piece of technology you cannot live without?
A: My phone. There’s virtually no part of my job that I couldn’t do from my phone. It’s not the most efficient way to do things but being a working mom when you are trying to run your business and care for a baby at the same time, you learn to do a lot of things on the go and, most of the time, only using one hand. Without smartphones, it wouldn’t be possible.