Can You Safely Disburse a Loan in Less than Two Minutes? Yes — Here’s How.

img_Turnkey-Lender_blog_Can You Safely Disburse a Loan in Less than Two Minutes? Yes — Here's How.

Safely disbursing a loan in the shortest time possible and with minimal risks is a constant race for lenders. To this day, it takes lending companies anywhere between 24 hours to a week to analyze the loan application, do the borrower evaluation, gauge the credit risks, decide on the interest rate, and finally, to disburse […]

2018 Lending Outlook — Top 5 Trends, Part One

There’s an old Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting times.” 2018 is shaping up to be an interesting year for the lending industry, especially when we consider the uncertainty surrounding political environments, tax reforms, and potential new regulations. At TurnKey Lender we’re a glass half full group of people. So when we balance regulatory […]


Flexible loan application flow

Automated payments and loan servicing

Efficient strategies for all collection phases

AI-based consumer and commercial credit scoring

Use third-party data and tools you love.

Consumer lending automation done right

Build a B2B lending process that works for you

Offer payment options to clients in-house

Lending automation software banks can rely on


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