TurnKey Lender

Unstoppable Women of FinTech – Brittney Conte

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Meet this weeks Unstoppable Woman of FinTech, Brittney Conte, TurnKey Lender’s own Head of Sales for the America’s. Read more below on Brittney’s journey in becoming a leading lady in the FinTech realm and more on her inspiring advice that has helped her in getting where she is today.   Q: How did you end up as a leader in the FinTech Industry? Briefly, what has your career journey looked like? A: I’m not sure I have earned the right to call myself a leader in FinTech just yet. I am doing nothing more than supporting a team and organization with a clear path to win. If someone wants to ascribe me as a “Leader in FinTech” once we reach our goal, I won’t argue with them. My career journey has taken me from Massachusetts working in healthcare management, to coming to Texas and earning my MBA to finding success in selling cutting edge technology. I was fortunate enough to work with our CEO previously and look forward to where the journey goes from here, this is only the beginning. Q: Who inspires you most?  A: My mother who recently passed has been an inspiration. She was the embodiment of fortitude, strength and grace. I can only hope to live up to the person she was. Q: What are some of your favorite ways to spend your time outside of work? Any tips for relaxation and destressing? A: I love to garden and paddleboard although I find gardening the best way to cleanse my thoughts and recharge. Q: What is an accomplishment you are most proud of? A: This one is easy, there’s a cute little boy who is my whole world that thinks I hung the moon that I brought into this world and if I never accomplished another thing, my life is a success because of my son. Q: What advice would you give to young women looking to start a career in the industry?  A: Be fearless and invent the possibility you want for yourself and your career. Nothing will be handed to you. Knowing your own value first is crucial to other’s recognizing and responding to it. Q: What skills do you find most helpful in your career? A: Intellectual curiosity is the most important skill to have in any technology industry, especially FinTech. In order to innovate, you have to understand the constraints involved and uncovering needs. Questions, the most powerful tool in language are what helps you find new and better ways to solve problems. Q: What does digital transformation mean to you and/ or your organization? A: For me, digital transformation means being on point that change is necessary, rooting out new profound efficiencies are a never-ending adventure. And it’s a lot of fun to be a part of. Q: What advances or trends in technology are you most excited about? A: Having watched the advances in artificial intelligence and RPA for a few years now, I know the future is limitless. Human potential is untapped because automation is transforming what work means. Q: What do you see as the biggest, most pressing issue for women in our industry? A: We haven’t achieved the level of success we’re capable of yet simply because societal norms require us to acquiesce to the needs of others, at the detriment of our own. This isn’t a date at a dinner party, nobody is going pull out a chair for us to take our seat at the table. Woman have to know we belong deep in our soul and take what is ours because we earned it. Defining our own reality isn’t easy, but easy isn’t what we signed up. If men can have their cake and eat it to, so should we! Q: Is there one piece of technology you can’t live without? A: My Apple Watch keeps me on target as well as on time. It’s amazing how much I’ve come to rely on something seemingly so small yet so powerful that can track my steps, keep my schedule and alert me when the important and urgent collide. I don’t know what I’d do without it.

How to Launch a New Credit Product with TurnKey Lender

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The ability to easily and safely create and manage credit products is crucial in today’s rapidly changing business climate. Different credit products are used to address the needs of individual and SME borrowers who are looking for various loan types and terms in different locations.  The TurnKey Lender System comes built-in with functionality that allows for the simple creation of custom credit products tailored to your business objectives. Out of the box, you can offer: Personal Loans Corporate (SME) Loans Mortgages The interest, terms, periodicity, calculations, grace periods, and more are fully customizable.  Traditional banks take weeks and months to develop and roll out new credit products. With our solution, all it takes is five simple steps to launch a new fully functional credit product that you can start using immediately!   1. In order to work with new credit products, your TurnKey Lender Portal Account needs to have System Administrator Access Permissions. Once enabled, navigate to the System Workplace and find the Credit Products tab on the left-hand navigation. 2. Click “Add New Record.” A window with a new credit product options will open. 3. Select the loan options that you would like to enable for this credit product. 4. Next, fill out the basic credit product information: Name Loan Type (personal, corporate, mortgage, payday or installments) Description (optional) Calculation Type (annuity, classic, flat interest) Periodicity (monthly, semi-monthly, weekly, biweekly, quarterly, annually, semi-annually) Min and Max Sum of the Loans Allowed for this Credit Product Min and Max Terms Interest Rate Write-off Tolerance 5. The only thing left now is to set up the late payments’ parameters. Simply save the changes by clicking “OK.”  Your credit product is ready for use! Next, let’s go over to the Origination Workplace and create a loan application using this new credit product. Click New Application in the Origination Workplace. In the window that opens you can select your new credit product that is now available for use for your borrowers from the front-office and loan originators from the back-office. That’s all there is to it! You can create as many credit products as your lending operation needs to outperform your competition and offer an unmatched experience to your borrowers.  Get in touch with our team for a detailed demo tailored to your business to see how we can help you grow.


Flexible loan application flow

Automated payments and loan servicing

Efficient strategies for all collection phases

AI-based consumer and commercial credit scoring

Use third-party data and tools you love.

Consumer lending automation done right

Build a B2B lending process that works for you

Offer payment options to clients in-house

Lending automation software banks can rely on


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